Friday, November 30, 2007


I don't know why, but I've had the word 'disenchanted' in my head all morning. Am I disenchanted about this snowy wonderland, or with this pregnancy, or with our new cat (I know for a fact that I'm disenchanted with our new cat). But I don't think that's it. Maybe it's the new Disney movie 'Enchanted' that has this word lingering on my tongue.

With 5 weeks left in this pregnancy the novelty has quickly worn thin and the sinking reality that this baby is coming out, and coming out soon, is weighing heavily upon me.

There's a gloom when I think of food. I want to eat all the time. Seriously, ALL THE TIME! Right now I really want to go to Tim Horton's and get a Boston Cream doughnut. The other night I caught a glimpse of a Crispy Creme commercial and longed for one of their warm, fresh, glazed doughnuts, which made me think of Jim, which made me think of fresh barbecue pork buns, and which is now reminding me of the super gooey, honey filled fruit cake he sent us for Christmas last year. I've already had a craving for that fruit cake and on my hunt to satisfy that satiating urge I opted for a cheaper and blatantly less fulfilling substitute. I can't begin to describe my disappointment.

Aaaahhh, food. It's a pregnant woman's demise.

So instead of beating myself up about food and the exorbitant amounts of which I've consumed today I'll list the things I'm grateful for:

  1. Being able to give birth to new life.

  2. My more than understanding husband.

  3. Mini-me who makes me smile and laugh the majority of the time we're together (except for when we're fighting about clothes).

  4. Family and friends for their love and support, and for allowing me to share in their hopes, and fears.
There's so much more to this world and this life than those fears which my mind magnifies. Disenchanted or not, I'm so grateful to be where I am today.

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