Notions of beauty surround me in the faces of my children. It’s amazing how powerful and magical life truly is. How did I become the mother of three children? They’re all so unique and precious in their own individualistic way. Ava, my sure headed beauty who loves to create art and help others. Hudson, my handsome little toddler who loves anything mechanical, snuggles with a ratty old stuffed puppy, and whose face lights up the room when he smiles. And finally, Everett, my newest love. He may only be 3 months old, but I know that we’re the most alike. We’re both Virgos, he looks the most like me, and is the quiet thinker. People often exclaim at how serious he looks. It’s as if he’s studying everything, and being so new to this world I don’t find it all that odd. He’s my snuggly baby who thinks deeply and loves to play naked.
Will there be one more soul to join our family? Deep down I feel as though there is. Nathan will answer you with a definitive “No!” I, on the other hand, am not so sure. I love our chaos because it’s a chaos filled with love, laughter, playfulness, and of course yells, screams, and the occasional swear from me. But at the end of the day when I tuck each of my precious children in I thank the Lord, the universe, the Goddess, Buddha, whatever higher power is up there, for blessing me so greatly.
No matter how much I may threaten to sell my children on e-bay when they’re driving me batty, I know that Nathan and I will look back at these moments and wish that we could go back for just one more day. These are the days that I’m going to miss most, and I try to hold onto them with everything I’ve got.